Thursday 16 June 2011

Grey Sky Morning

So today i woke up really early to rush to Jam Factory ( Yesh, its a mall!), located at Chapel Street, Vic to catch the movie - ' Something borrowed'. Sadly, yesterday was the last day it was being shown which means i have no choice but to cross my fingers that i can download the movie asap! ( If you hate cheesy-love relationship movies, then don't bother googling or watching it! yah, its a chick-flick!) Anyway, today i decided to share with everyone another 7 blogs that i always like to read! Each bloggers are really unique and i find that their style of dressing is really relatable and inspiration-able to us, readers! Hope you guys will love reading their blogs as much as i do! Enjoy! 

Another 07 blogs that i frequently visit 

07Lindathibui - An interesting blogger & i love her dressing style! Really preppy and causal, and at the same time, comfortable! And she is one of the few that can carry off the bright red lip colour! Moreover, she another American Apparel Lover, tell me how can i not like her? 
06:Mariannan- A really cute and sweet blog! Plus, I love how each of her outfit seems so relaxed and amazing at the same time! Trust me, once you start reading it, you wont stop! 
05Sincerelyjules - Yes, she might look familiar to you! Because she is a pal of Natalie of Natalieoffduty, and she had appeared on one of Mango's short fashion film before! I love how she mixed and matches her outfit, which always look great. Of Course, she has nice outfit photos too! 
04: Thestylevoyager- She is 'a hong kong based fashion blogger, photographer, journalism graduate and frequent traveler'. I came across her blog, one day, randomly, and ever since, ive being hooked on it. First of all, most of her outfit pictures are taken by her mother ( which i like to say are amazingly taken). Secondly, she is a fellow hong kong resident. And of course, the main reason is that i love her dressing style! Beside being able to get inspired by her daily outfit, i also get to be introduced to new places and cafes in Hong Kong! 
03: Popcultureafternoon  - I love reading Liz's blog because all her outfit photos alway looks colourful and fun! And nonetheless, she dresses well too! Plus, she has an endless collections of jackets (which includes blazers as well!), which i envy soo, sooo, much!
02: 5inchandup - I just have 1 word to describe her style - Amazing! Majority of her outfits are stunning! Causal yet it looks high-end and comfortable at the same time! Bravoooo! 
01:Ringmybell - I so have to introduce everyone to this blog by Ashely Madekwe! In case you guys have no idea who she is, she is a london-based actress who is currently engaged to Iddo Goldberg, a famous actor ( who has appeared on various movies), and a great fashion blogger! I first recognized her from her character - ' Bambi' from the UK series show ' The secret Diary of a Call Girl', which i think everyone should watch it! I love Ashley Madekwe's fashion style as it is appealing and each outfit looks amazing on her! Moreover, she has an amazing collection of shoes!

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