Hola Cada Uno (hello, everyone in Spanish)! Its the 3rd day since my holiday had officially begin. I am, slowly,adopted to the whole' living-life-lazing-around' way of living, chilling with friends at cafes, spending hours at Mag Nation etc. & on a even brighter note, if according to plan, i will have friday off for my next semester! Yay! Anyway, like ive mentioned in my previous post, ive a new interview post up today! So, this time, i was privileged enough to interview Wasabii (what she preferred to be called)! Okay, in case some of you guys might wonder why does she look so familiar.... well, cause she is the sister of Leyj021! Actually ive known Wasabii since i was very young, and ive always look up to her as a older ( really fierce) sister. And for a period of time, i thought she was really 'scary'. But when i finally got to know her, she is a really witty and comical person! She is a unique individual, who a really good sense of fashion and taste. And of course, who cant forget her numerous, quirky hairstyles? She is one that lives her life every day like there is no tomorrow. So here, i present you the short 10 Questions interview i had with her, and hope all of you guys will get to know her better!
name (prefer name): Wasabii
age(as of current): 22
sex: female
schooling @
Awesomeeeee! Let's officially start the intervieww!
Q: If there is a song title/ song lyrics to describe you, what would it be?
A: Trash by suede
Q: What is the most embarrassing song on your iPod?
A: cyndi lauper iko iko? i dunno
Q: What do you wish more people know about you?
A: im not that fierce actually, hehe
Q: Finish this sentence: The last time i laughed till i cried was A: long time ago because
A: we were drunk and gone.
Q: Share with us, places that you like to go to chill with your friends.
A: any where, its the company that matters
Q: What would make your day?
A: few glasses of wine after a long day would be nice
Q: What is the WEIRDEST compliment you ever got?
A: can i get your pictures to prove to my friends that angels really do exist? lmao
Q: What's the MOST INSANE thing you've ever done?
A: swam in a canal, haha
Q: Name us some of the places you would want to travel to.
A: spin, new york, india, russia
Q: What are the three things you cant live without?
A: mom, dad and jubby
Q: Do you have any (maybe annoying) habits?
A: i like to sleep with a movie/tv on
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